

湖州-安吉县 / 民办-十二年制

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浙江安吉蓝润天使外国语实验学校(以下简称蓝润天使学校)坐落于Hello Kitty(凯蒂猫)乐园所在的天使小镇,占地178亩,由绿城、银润和蓝城三大集团共同斥资10亿元倾情打造,是一所十六年一贯的非营利性学校,设置幼儿园4年(含托班)、小学6年、初中3年、高中3年的学制。其中,高中又分普高学部和国际学部,支持国内、国际双通道升学。 Zhejiang Anji Lanrun Angel Foreign Language Experimental School (hereinafter referred to as LAS) is located in the Angel Town, Anji, where Hello Kitty Park is located. It covers an area of 178 acres and is jointly funded by Greentown, Yinrun and Bluetown. Built with a passion of 1 billion yuan, this non-profit school covers a 16-year curriculum, including a 4-year kindergarten (including kindergarten), 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of junior high school, and 3 years of high school. Among them, the senior high school is divided into the general higher education department and the international department to support domestic and international dual-channel education.

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