/ 杭州-萧山区 / 3年以上 / 本科及以上 / 全职 / 招聘1人青年教师
更新于 2025-02-20
福利待遇: 1.全薪寒暑假,中外节假日;双休,不调休 2.免费高档小区教师公寓,单间loft,校园对面 3.五险一金,额外的商业医保;公积金缴纳比例12% 4.免费员工班车,工作日免费午餐; 5.国际化工作环境,扁平化管理;
到岗时间: 2025-03-31
学校简介: 惠灵顿杭州校区是一个充满活力的国际化教育社区,由杭州市萧山区惠立学校、杭州市萧山区惠立幼儿园及杭州惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校组成。 杭州校区总占地面积超过70000平方米,提供K12的从2岁到18岁的国际化教育资源。学校设施先进,包括科学实验室、艺术教室、图书馆、表演艺术中心及全面的体育设施,支持优质的教学和丰富的课外活动。 我们致力于为所有教职员工提供一个充满人文关怀、备受支持、设施先进的工作场所。校区设有咖啡厅、餐厅、健身房、泳池和寄宿等设施,为教职员工提供舒适的工作和生活环境。 如果您期待更加平等尊重的工作环境、热爱团队合作、享受跨文化的沟通、国际化的工作氛围,欢迎加入我们! 工作职责: 杭州市校区现需招聘一名学生支持管理教师,主要负责根据学生需求,1对1辅助学生进行学习计划的安排和施行,家校关系维护等。详见下方英文岗位职责介绍。 入职时间:2025.2 岗位要求: 1. 英语流利(雅思7分及以上或同等水平),有双语教学及双语/国际学校工作经验者优先; 2. 有1对1教学经验,能很好得辅助学生进步,以先进而积极的理念引导学生; 3. 2年及以上相关经验,有特殊教育相关专业背景者优先; 4. 有耐心,能很好得维护家校关系; 福利待遇: 1.全薪寒暑假,中外节假日;双休,不调休 2.免费高档小区教师公寓,单间loft,校园对面 3.五险一金,额外的商业医保;公积金缴纳比例12% 4.免费员工班车,工作日免费午餐; 5.国际化工作环境,扁平化管理; KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • Plan differentiated learning activities for individual or small groups of pupils with special educational needs, delivering activities inside or outside the classroom. • To work with the Director of Talent to devise a program for G&T pupils and to monitor their progress • Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom. • Ensure classroom provision (supporting materials) meets the needs of all SEN and G&T pupils. • To work with marketing to promote our G&T pupils. • To work with the Senior Schools team to ensure that all staff know all G&T and SEN pupils. • For G6+ pupils, ensure SEN recommendations are fully embedded into every lesson to support future applications for GCSE accommodations. • Carry out other such duties as the Director of Pupil Support or the Head of School may reasonably direct from time to time. • Display the highest standards of professionalism in teaching and in relationships with colleagues and parents. • Ensure that an excellent learning environment is provided for the learning of pupils with SEN and G&T and that the pupils develop a positive attitude to the College. • Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the SEN and G&T Department in their area and the coordination of the provisions made for pupilss with SEN. • Working closely together with staff, parents and external specialists. • Provide learning and care support for pupils with special educational needs (SEN). • Work with the teacher to plan and deliver activities. • Support pupils with routines, transitions and behaviour management. • Build positive relationships with pupils, promoting high self-esteem and independence. • Adapt communication style to respond to pupils according to their individual needs. • Support pupils with their social, emotional and mental health needs, escalating concerns where appropriate. • Promote high standards of behaviour, responding to incidents in line with the school’s behaviour policy and guidelines on physical intervention. • Assist with the development and delivery of individual education and support plans. • Plan differentiated learning activities for individual or small groups of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and G&T, delivering activities inside or outside the classroom. • Support the teaching of a broad and balanced curriculum aimed at pupils achieving their full potential in all areas of learning. • Use IT skills to advance pupils’ learning. • Through observations, provide regular feedback to teachers on pupil progress, attainment and barriers to learning. • Support class teachers with maintaining good order and discipline among pupils, managing behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment. • Monitor, record and report on progress and attainment. • Supervise a class if the teacher is temporarily unavailable. Home-School communication • Make parents feel welcome and build good relationship with parents. • Attend Parents’ Meetings as required and provide accurate, honest information regarding the progress and attainment of individuals with SEN or G&T. • Report to the parents termly on the progress of individuals against their personalised targets. • Communicate effectively with parents and carers. Professional Integrity • Be positive and build good relationship with colleagues. • Complete tasks on time and be proactive in decision making and support needed for pupils. • Provide cover for absent colleagues as and when deemed necessary by the Head of School. • Lead extra-curricular activities programme. • Attend trips both during the school day and overnight residentials when required and asked by the Head of Schools. • Make a significant contribution to college assemblies, newsletters and by so doing highlight the work carried out by pupils. • Promote an ethos of equality and equal opportunities for all pupils within the setting. • Maintain the highest standards of care, child protection and safeguarding at all times. • Emphasise the importance of safety and of safe methods of working in the classroom, and indeed in all areas of the college and the curriculum. • If required, be a tutor and undertake all the activities and responsibilities related to this. • Contribute to the overall ethos, aims and work of the school. • Undert
杭州-萧山区 2年以上 全职02-20
杭州-萧山区 3年以上 全职12-20K/月
杭州-萧山区 3年以上 全职9-18K/月
杭州-萧山区 2年以上 全职02-20
杭州-萧山区 2年以上 全职