
Head Librarian 图书馆馆长


/ 广州-番禺区 / 3年以上 / 本科及以上 / 全职 / 招聘1人

更新于 2025-02-26

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Head Librarian 图书馆馆长 /








到岗时间: 2025-03-01

The Head Librarian leads the NASGZP library resource centre staff and strategically guides and promotes the development of the library collection and resources. The Head Librarian promotes a positive culture of staff relationships at NASGZP. The Head Librarian creates an aesthetically pleasing, child friendly and well-organised library; develops a respect for reading materials amongst the students and ensures systematic staff training and development according to the declared needs of the school and its community. Teaching and learning:  Create in liaison with the ALT and implement an approved library policy appropriate to the student body  Create in liaison with the ALT and administration, and implement an approved action plan to promote the development and use of the library  Ensure a consistent approach to borrowing and tracing library resources and books  Seek and promote approved ways to increase student access to reading materials  Promote a greater awareness of excellent authors amongst all stakeholders  Provide parents with age specific recommended author resources  Train and manage student librarians to return books to correct shelves  Create age appropriate recommended reader brochures and displays  Familiarize and promote children’s fiction/non-fiction  Familiarize and promote relevant student currency resources and inform ALT and School leadership of gaps in library resources  To organise regular high quality author displays  Promote high quality author reading sets for all classes and monitor their use  Support academic staff in making appropriate selections and requests for library orders  Oversee the systematic organisation of the library to ensure ease of access  Support academic staff in organising regular author visits or Book Week events  Seek opportunities to promote and invite children’s authors, poets and illustrators into school  Seek and implement opportunities to involve parents in school reading initiatives  Promote the use of ICT in the teaching of reading  Teach staff, students and parents about how the library operates and to use the library systems  Arrange story time sessions as appropriate in the library - Provide library induction lessons for all new students Administrative duties include, but are not restricted to:  Creating and preparing resources in order to support teaching and learning  Ensure books being taken out or returned using library system  Register all new students and staff onto the system  Supervise children in the library and enforce library rules  Following up overdue/missing books according to library policy  Apply procedures to ensure outstanding books are returned before students leave  Co-ordinate library resources including author boxes  Liaise with the IT/admin team to ensure that new children are added to the system  Audit resources annually and provide the appropriate staff with a report  Remind staff when books need to be returned and to follow up by speaking to staff  Provide ALT with a monthly report indicating any staff/students/parents with overdue books  Ensure that the library staff can be rostered effectively during the school day  Provide access to appropriately challenging resources for more able readers  Promote independent use of the library amongst all students  Ensure that teachers are updated on any student borrowing issues  Contact parents via email over borrowing issues  Ensure students do not borrow books until overdue books are returned  Ensure that electronic devices are used appropriately and to put in place approved practices and procedures to prevent loss or theft of all library resources  Liaise with Reading & Library Teachers and Curriculum Coordinators to arrange book orders  Ensure up-to-date book catalogues are made available to teachers  Dispatch orders to suppliers and track deliveries as necessary  Promote local GUANGZHOU book suppliers to overseas staff  Arrange for payment and invoices with finance office  Organise Library staff for cataloguing, stamping and covering of books as required  To liaise with IT to ensure repairs to IT/technology resources are made promptly  Create and maintain displays in and around the library Overall support for the school  Fully support the aims and ethos of the school  Support fellow professionals  Attend team and staff meetings where necessary  Follow agreed policies and procedures  Work to maintain positive relationships with parents and the local community  Be proactive in matters relating to health and safety  Set a good example in terms of dress, punctuality and attendance  Attend relevant training activities where required  Where required, to assist with the supervision of pupils outside lesson times  Where required, to support the admin team for other tasks Others  Any other appropriate duties as allocated by the School’s Executive Leadership Team


Wing Guo


工作地点: 广州 - 番禺区 广州市番禺区南村镇西和路88号
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!






