/ 福州-长乐区 / 2年以上 / 本科及以上 / 全职 / 招聘1人青年教师
更新于 2025-03-28
多种福利(五险一金、带全薪寒暑假、各种节日福利、商业附加保险、年度体检、带薪病假、团队建设活动等) 餐补、提供校区宿舍 提供出国考察学习机会、专业培训机会 免费享用学校的各种设施(游泳馆、健身馆、图书馆等) 子女入学学费折扣优惠
到岗时间: 2025-08-18
【Person Specification】 1.Minimum Bachelor's Degree in a relevant subject; 2.A recognised teaching qualification for the required age range (e.g. B.Ed; M.Ed; PGCE or other regional teaching certificate ); 3.Minimum two years relevant subject teaching experience in a middle school setting; 4.have a proven track record of high-quality teaching at IGCSE and A-Level, preferably teaching students with English as a second language, with the ability to use practical activities to enhance learning; 5.Sensitivity to the cultural differences found in China and the willingness to develop and maintain a cross cultural approach to work. 【Main Responsibilities】 1.Planning and preparing courses and lessons; teaching, according to their educational needs, pupils assigned to his/her classes; 2.The setting and marking of work, (including tests and examinations where appropriate) to be carried out by the pupils ; 3.Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils; 4.Preparing pupils to take IGCSE examinations at the end of G10, ready to start A level classes; 5.Take the responsibility to safeguard and promote the well-being of children; pay attention to the physical and mental health of the students, ensure the health and safety of the students, actively communicate with the school management and DSL and put forward suggestions or opinions. 6.Helping pupils to succeed in their learning tasks, giving them good experience so that they develop self-respect and foster personal maturity; 7.Providing guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters; making relevant records and reports; 8.Making records and reports on the personal and social needs of pupils; 9.Communicating and consulting with the parents of pupils; 10.Taking a full and active role in the wider life of the school, always exemplifying the values and ethos of the school; 11.Participate in CPD activities; 12.Support day and residential trips to enhance and encourage the skills and experience of all pupils; 13.Attend assemblies, registering attendance of pupils and supervising pupils whether before, during or after school; 14.Offer extra-curricular activities to support the ethos and enrichment of the school’s provision; 15.Contribute to and attend whole school community events throughout the year. 16.To participate in marketing activities to encourage enrolment into the school; 17.To ensure the school remains tidy and presentable; 18.To participate in the delivery of boarding provision; 19.To complete any other reasonable duty as requested by the head.
福州-长乐区 应届生 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 2年以上 全职03-30
福州-长乐区 5年以上 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 3年以上 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 应届生 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 应届生 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 2年以上 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 3年以上 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 2年以上 全职03-28
福州-长乐区 2年以上 全职